A couple small updates:

On the bad, stressful, universe is out to get me day, I forgot the part where I found my GPS power cable broken before having to drive to Bellevue. It’s a small thing to edit for now, but every time I look over that post it doesn’t feel like it fully expresses the frustration I was going through that day. Then later I found out I had picked up an old, broken cable and not the new one I replaced it with. (Why did I keep the old one then? Good question, I know.)

The “1`ass” that randomly made it into a recent post, I’m blaming on cats. Even though I don’t remember cats near the keyboard while I was writing… the only other explanation is that I’ve developed pregnancy Tourettes and have done a good job at hiding it even from myself.

The vulva pain I blamed the waddle on went away after that day. It’s also come back, and will go away again. I’ve learned that all pregnancy complaints are temporary and everchanging. That said, I’ve found there’s a good list of things that can be responsible for the pregnancy waddle:

– Baby is crushing my bladder, oh god I have to pee. (This is usually followed by a feeling of, ‘that’s it??’ afterwards.)

– My thighs hurt like I’ve been doing 1000 reps on a Thighmaster. (Why won’t *this* one go away?)

– There’s a bowling ball in my stomach.

– Baby’s head is rubbing against my pubic bone. (Ouch)

– My foot is swollen to the point that it looks like it has a double chin.

I had no idea that I would end up so sore, or that getting up or out of bed would actually be such a challenge. There’s so much going on behind the scenes that just feeling like you’re in a fat-suit doesn’t explain.

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