I skipped my Luna Bar this morning and did some research on breakfast. Most important meal of the day, etc, etc… turns out that might not be the case. Actually you’ll find plenty of arguments for whichever side you’re on, but an interesting point on the no-breakfast side is that humans didn’t evolve waking up and eating a meal first thing in the morning. We had to hunt that meal down first, which kind of makes lunch a lot more relevant. There even may be some weight loss benefits to delaying breakfast, which has my attention.

What I noticed in my one-day, totally unscientific experiment is that morning hunger is just an annoyance, as long as I know I can have food as soon I feel like getting around to eating it. It’s after I’ve eaten that my hypoglycemic symptoms really kick in a couple hours later, like my body realized that there had been food in my stomach and it would really like to keep it that way. Hunger is easier to ignore than the lightheadedness and occasional feeling like someone is trying to squeeze my head until I pass out. Last weekend I went well into the afternoon without eating, running errands after my Remicade infusion, and I held up quite well other than just plain being hungry.

Of course I make this discovery right after stocking up on a 10/$10 sale on Luna Bars which have been my staple breakfast for a few years now. I’m not going to go off of them cold turkey or anything, but I’m going to start making an effort to cut out that 180 calories in the morning. The only reason I’ve been insistent that I need some kind of breakfast first thing in the morning (and peppermint Luna bars are the only thing my stomach can handle then) is to take my handful of pills, and it just occurred to me that there’s no reason I can’t move my drug schedule to lunchtime.

Also, thankfully, my handful of pills is getting smaller.

For the last year I’ve been counting down to March, Andrew’s graduation, probably more than even Andrew has himself since he’s been pretty busy with the actually going to school thing. As it got closer I had to remind myself that it wasn’t March 1st I was counting down to – we still had to go through some part of the month. Now that we’re in March it suddenly seems really close. I said I was going to stop my meds when he was done with school. He has his last final on Monday.

Now I have to decide what date I’m actually going through with it. He suggested his birthday (the 20th) which I jokingly interpreted as “Don’t go crazy until after my birthday.”

I’ve been making a lot of jokes about it but I haven’t really wrapped my mind around the idea that I could do a 180 turn mentally in the upcoming months. I’ve felt so stable the last number of years that this feels normal. But being able to suddenly do a 180 is what being bi-polar is all about, isn’t it? That, and the opportunity to write interesting memoirs, if you don’t go and get too normal like I did.

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